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Compatibility issues with DVD and CD disks.

Our disks are formatted for full stereo quality. We put the data on to CD or DVD Data Disks. When it is on a data disk it will take a computer to transfer the data to other mediums such as from DVD to CD or to Flash memory audio and video players.

MP3 CD disks usually can play on your MP3 Compatible DVD video player if you copy the data from with your computer DVD player to a CD.

MP3 files are transferable from your PC to your MP3 player and your Ipod player

MP3’s CD's can be played on MP3 compatible CD players
Most newer DVD players are MP3 compatible which can also play the MP3 files on these CD's
Listen to this MP3 Bible as you travel using an MP3 compatible car stereo or while using a portable CD MP3 player

Our MP3 products are in MP3 Format ands encoded in stereo at 128kbps. Higher Quality than other competitor's product on (1) or (2) CD's MP3 Bibles

Some of the issues with compatible issues are sometimes between a DVD-R and DVD+R and some players will only accept one. If you have this problems we can immediately get you a copy out of our product on the the other media choice.

Some older DVD Rom players and DVD Video players also do not like Burned DVD disks.

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